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Big Girl Pants

Big Girl Pants Podcast: Encouragement for Real Life.

Jan 31, 2022

The American retailer is hot on it to make cash off your expressions of love. Flowers, balloons, dinners out, cards, and jewelry with diamonds and hearts. But if you only had 30 days left on this earth, what would you do with that time? How would you express love during that tiny window? Never trade an...

Jan 25, 2022

I'm a birder. I feed the birds at several feeders and have my favorites, one in particular. I even feed them mealworms (which is part of this story). This last week we had a storm, a big one. Thirteen inches of snow. And it changed the life of the wild things. It changed me, too.

Jan 17, 2022

I've always loved snow days! They give us an excuse to stop and rest. We can take the time to make and eat comfort food and reconsider about what's important. After a third pandemic year, maybe we all needed some snow days! And snow days bring out the beauty of nature on display. We're at 13 inches and counting in...

Jan 8, 2022

It's been a long year dealing with COVID. Maybe we're all more worried about things than we need to be. At least, that's my epiphany moment!


Jan 8, 2022

It's been a long year dealing with COVID. Maybe we're all more worried about things than we need to be. At least, that's my epiphany moment!