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Big Girl Pants

Big Girl Pants Podcast: Encouragement for Real Life.

Nov 11, 2023

I remember writing a report in 3rd grade on the reason for Thanksgiving. Mine was a little different than Tommy Spencer's. But then, I didn't dress up in a headband with a rooster feather in it either.

Oct 24, 2023

No matter what is happening in the world of man, nature has her own rhythm. Something amazing is often right in front of us, but in our rush to "accomplish something" we miss it. Take a break to listen to this story about just such an almost-missed opportunity, and then take a break to walk in nature and see what she's...

Oct 3, 2023

Have we gotten to the point where our lives are for sale? 

Sep 6, 2023

It feels like time is running out to do what we came here to do. How are you spending your days these days?

Aug 19, 2023

When you sell your house, it's a lot of change all at once.

I've been finding hidden messages at the back of the sock drawer, flipping through memories from childhood, teen times, and adulthood. Memory after memory flashes from every corner, from every found item.

Some of our memories are like life preservers, they hold...