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Big Girl Pants

Big Girl Pants Podcast: Encouragement for Real Life.

Dec 29, 2022

New Year's Eve festivities in my childhood were exquisitely boring, the ones in San Francisco so celebratory I can't remember them, and then my husband rolled one in by having a massive stroke, but we won't dwell on that. You never really know your relatives until you spend the holidays with them. Here's an introduction...

Dec 21, 2022

I wrote this for Appalachian Voice magazine many years ago. It's a story about a boy I knew back in the hills of West Virginia. If you're in need of a feel-good story this holiday season, this might just fit the bill! Merry Christmas from my heart to yours.

Nov 16, 2022

I'll never forget what happened in the Zickafoose sisters cabin the Thanksgiving day the moonshiners arrived. You won't either. 

Oct 28, 2022

I never had a birthday party until I turned 25. Then gave myself one and never looked back!

Oct 19, 2022

I was always on the outskirts of high fashion. But when the fishnet hose and mini-skirts arrived in my school, I was determined to have them!